Monday, August 31, 2009

Vacation is ending...

Vacation is ending...
and my man is heading back to work...
Oh! I will miss you not being around all day!
I love you!!!!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

No Fear...

What is it about some kids? I mean, some are afraid of everything... and others... like this one... are afraid of Nothing!!
She will swing off of the highest bar, flip and turn and scare her mother to death!
On Friday, we went to the aquarium. You know a nice leisurely day of looking at sharks and eels... and petting stingrays!
Before the whole Steve Irwin death by stingray thing I never would have thought twice about it, but... now I am petrified of those things!
Not Aubrey! She just stuck her hand right into the water and touched that death trap!! I almost fainted dead away... no kidding... She then convinced Miranda and a couple of the others to touch the gross things... I know, big baby... but I could just see us being the next victims.
The headline would read...
Mother of Large Family Falls Apart at Death of One of Her Brood From a Stingray Attack!
Details on Page 6...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Life is busy...

Mark has some major dental work done on Monday. That means that today he is swollen up like a chipmunk. Poor guy! He is feeling very tired and on some big pain killers. He is staying home from church tonight because... well, he can't drive on this medication and he is exhausted.
So, I will be taking the crew to church by my lonesome. That wouldn't normally be a big deal, but because Miranda leads worship for the youth group... she needs to be there early for practice and that means occupying little ones for at least an hour before the nursery and classes open up. Fun... Especially when I am really wiped out from taking care of my beloved.
Oh, who's kidding.. I love it. I wouldn't have it any other way!!!
My major goal for this weekend, besides the usual, is to get some more photos edited and ready to blog about so you won't be so lonely and without photos.
So... hopefully that happens. I think we are going to try to get the kids down to Salt Lake for a visit to the aquarium on Friday... depending on how the hubby feels.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

snail mail...

okay... the pics are coming in the mail... so you all have to wait.

Patience is a virtue... right?!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hey Shannon...

Monday is a big day for a certain little birthday boy...

I sure would love to get some new pics so I can show him off to EVERYONE!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009


My son is a major eater.

He thinks about food all day long.

He talks about food all day long.

His next question is always, "When can I have snack?"

We don't feed our kids a lot of processed sugary junk, so it isn't that he want cookies or candy... he just wants to eat. A carrot is as good as anything else.

It doesn't matter what time in the morning this boy wakes up...

I guarantee that within 30 seconds of his eyes popping open...

He will say...

"I want breakust."

What can I say?

His belly rules his life.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sydnee's Baptism Pictures...

Last Sunday, at the park... in the river... Sydnee was baptised... along with about 10 other people!

The guy in the flowery shirt is our pastor.

It was soooo chilly. I felt really sorry for her. The breeze was blowing and the river was freezing. Normally, at this time of year, we are experiencing temperatures in the 90's... not the low 70's!

However, she was so brave! She went right out into the freezing water and went for it!

I'm proud of you, Syd!!

You have made a bold step in your faith... and it makes me SMILE!
P.S. I know I have been absent the last few days, but we started school on Monday. So, what I'm saying is we have been crazy busy trying to get back into the groove of things.
Also, Ari's cast came off today!! Yippeeeee!!!! However, I can't seem to convince her that walking is good... she just screams and screams! Suggestion from people who have been there and done that would be appreciated.

Friday, August 14, 2009

sweet face...

- another photo of my sweetie with some chick... oh, yeah... that's me.
The only one in the photo I care to look at is my sweetie... all day long, I could look at your sweet face!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


My darling 11 year old has decided to join our church this coming sunday and be baptised in the river! She attended the baptismal class that is required last week and is so excited!!
I am so proud of her and happy to see her following Christ's commands.
Now I just have to figure out what to make and bring to the church potluck that is to follow the baptism...

Mark Update...

Mark did great at work yesterday. He was home a little later than usual... and when he came in you could see he was in some pain (expected). He took some pain medication and vegged for the rest of the day. I would say that is a great first day back to work after this kind of surgery!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Fun day...

My sweet man is up and moving around... and heading back to work tomorrow morning.
I am not convinced he is up for this yet... but, he is going to give it a good try at least.
We had a little fun in the back yard today... taking photos and laughing and goofing off and avoiding all of the doggy droppings that the girls haven't picked up today. . . Note to self-- make them do this tomorrow... early.
I played piano for worship this morning and enjoyed it so much. I had forgotten how nice it was to play and not sing. Yes, you heard me right... Not sing. It was so relaxing.
The kids are counting down the days until we start school. We are starting around the 17th. I am ready to get to work... and they are ready to learn.


I am awake and the hubby is still at work... so, I am hoping that means he isn't doing more than he should. The doctor wants him to be fully able to lift all of the stuff he lifts... Let's just all believe that he won't overdo it.

Some Fav's...

Some of my favorite people at a Raptors game with our church.
Don't ask why my son is making such a strange face...
He is always showing us his new faces...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Look What We've Been Eating...

As you can remember from a couple of months ago...
we planted several items this year.
Our favorite thing (always) is tomatoes. We planted several types this year... roma, yellow pear, supersweet, cherry, and a couple others. Let's just say that we have been eating tomatoes with almost every meal... and loving it!
This is what I picked off of the vines this morning.

Tonight for dinner we will have all of the small ones, cut with salt and pepper. Oh yeah.
We have the others on sandwiches, in salads, just wherever and however...
I will be sad to see the season end...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

New Cast...

Ari has a new cast!
We were hoping there would be enough healing that we wouldn't need another cast, but it wasn't to be. The x-rays showed that it is healing but the back of the break still had a bit of filling in to do.

Ari got so excited when she saw the green color that I chose. This cast is set almost straight so that she can walk... YIPPEE!!! This does wonders for mommy's back! It is so nice to just tell her to come to the table to eat or whatever you need her to do instead of having to pick her up. She has gotten so tall while sitting down!
So, two more weeks of the cast and then the doc said he was almost certain we would be able to say goodbye to the cast.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Need to Sound Off...

I am so sick of people talk, talk, talking and then doing whatever they want. I can't stand people who live by the motto, "Do as I say, Not as I do."! Grrrrr!!!!

Sick Of IT!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Today is the 3rd anniversary of the car crash that almost took the lives of my two oldest children. I decided not to retell the story since you can go to last years post for Aug 6th and read all about it.... but I did want to say that I thank God every day for what we were spared that day. His blessings never cease to amaze me!
So, if you want to read the story click on the link below...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Biggest Blessing...

I got the biggest blessing today...
I met some of the most wonderful people at our church! I mean, you talk about friendly! There was one lady in particular... her name is Lois... and she just blessed me beyond belief!
I am so thankful... listen up, now... I am SO thankful that God blesses certain people with that gift of making others feel comfortable, at home, loved...
That is exactly how I am feeling right now...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday Happenings...

The kids had so much fun sharing the songs they learned about VBS this morning...

Sydnee and Aubrey were asked to share what they learned and then the kids sange three songs. They did such a wonderful job. The slide show was shown though out the service and everyone enjoyed seeing the photos. After service, we were asked for the flashdrive so others could have the slide show as well. Of course, we shared...

Mark is exhausted and so he is taking a nap. This is his first real outing since the surgery. It will take a while to build himself back up to his normal self.

I hope you are all enjoying your sunday as much as I have enjoyed mine so far!
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Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you,"
declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future..."

