Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It is Officially Fall...

We spent part of the weekend picking apples.  We had so many on the ground that we figured we had better get out there and get some before they all fell to the ground... or before the snow falls...tomorrow!

Times are good when your little ones think this is a really fun activity.

My favorite thing is watching the kids concentration.

They want to pick the perfect apples.

After picking the apples, we came inside and made apple crisp.

Then we gathered around the table and enjoyed the yummy smells and tastes of Fall.

1 comment:

  1. i love this! love finding big
    families. we have two families
    with 7 children in our church
    and people think they're nuts.

    ny husband and i would like to
    have 8 :) we have an 8 month old
    and a long way to go.

    so glad i found you. i'll be back.


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declares the Lord,
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