Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Beauty is Pain...

Sometimes people assume that mothers of lots of daughters just love doing hair.  I will be the first to tell you that this is not always a pleasant job.  Sometimes, they cry.  Sometimes they hide. Sometimes they just don't want to get their hair done.

We have a schedule (loose schedule) that includes doing your hair daily.  This way, if we need to make a quick trip out the door we aren't running around at the last second trying to get ready.  Besides, I don't want to look at their messy heads all day long.  Some days, especially before Sunday morning church, it is like an assembly line with the girls lined up waiting for mom to give you the perfect style.

In this house, we have 1 child with extremely straight hair.  She is considered the lucky girl of the whole bunch.  She never gets bad knots.  She can take a shower and air dry her hair and it looks amazingly beautiful.  The rest of us have varying degrees of curly hair.  This hair is difficult to brush and is always full of knots.

We work pretty hard to toughen up their heads when they are young so they won't complain as much later.  Sometimes, though, it just hurts.  I can testify to this.  I straighten my hair 5 out of 7 days and I have pretty curly hair if I don't do something with it.

They are learning lessons during this time.  They learn about cleanliness, order, schedules.  They learn that sometimes we do things because they need to be done whether we like it or not.


As Mommy is fond of saying...

"Beauty is Pain."

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! I'm TERRIBLE at hair. I blame it on my mother. I have a lady who helps me. She has 5 grown daughters and she braids like nobody's business. I LOVE it when she does my girls' hair, but every time I try it I end up giving up after a few miserable minutes of hair disaster. My 8 year old daughter has so much hair I can't get it all in my hands. Hair is just not my thing.


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