We don't really celebrate this... strange holiday.
I have never understood why someone would think that this day, above any other day, would be the day to show your love for your spouse or children.
Shouldn't every day be a celebration of that love?
We usually give our children a box of candy hearts and I get a card or letter telling me how much he loves me. However, this is not a special treat for me. We say "I love you" frequently... not just daily but mulitiple times daily.
I know I am loved... not just through a card, flowers, dinner out, candy or some special show of affection on the 14th of February...I am loved because my husband tells me and better yet, shows me every single day of my life.
For me, everyday is Valentines Day.
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1 day ago
Hi - I totally agree. I show my kids love everyday and don't do a big build up for valentines. However, we love to do crafts and fun things together for valentines. I always try to show up the other moms in my daughter's class with handmade valentines. This year we did a science theme and used an idea I found on Steve Spanglers website. http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/content/experiment/test-tube-valentines