Friday, October 22, 2010

Ups and Downs...

We are in the process of building on a new front deck.  There was a teeny tiny little cement step (two steps really) that you couldn't even stand on while opening the door...

Anyway, we finally got tired of knocking people off the step and started building a deck.  Eventually the deck will wrap around the house, but for now it will just be a large section of the front.

Why am I telling you this?
Well, because this means that there are planers and saws and drills and such taking up space all over the front of the house.
Really ugly?
For now, yes.

This has brought a few new ideas to the kids, however.
Kids imaginations are always at work.
They managed to convince Grandpa to let them "use" a sawhorse.
They "borrowed" a long board.

Now, they are trying to figure out how to make this a permanent feature...

When Daddy has time to make this new project a little safer...
Permanent it will be!

By the way...
I'm sorry for all of the whining and complaining lately.

A lot of emotions and feelings have been brought up with this move.
I am a "stewer"...
It takes me a little time to work through some of this stuff...
I am getting there, though.
I think I have more good days than bad...
I think...

For those of you who are praying for me right now...
Thank you and I feel it!

You are appreciated.

Someone sent me a facebook message yesterday that just made me feel loved and thought of...
and, well...
not crazy!

Everyone needs to know that they matter, I guess.

This process has really made me do a lot of thinking about how many times I may feel like someone is hurting, but I move on and don't take the time to just love on them.
I am not someone who gets down often...
Thank God!
I will say, that the next time I feel like someone is feeling extra lonely and just needs a listening friend...
I will be so much more understanding!

Now, let's get over my ups and downs and prepare for the onslaught of seesaw photos...
I have a ton of them people...
A ton!

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