Wednesday, September 15, 2010


We went over to where we are wintering the cattle this year.

We decided not to do it at our place for various reasons...
one being that the kids are small and not used to these kind of animals...
and the cattle are very large!
Each of them is well over 500 pounds and growing daily.

I know that the smallest of the kids would not think twice about climbing into the field and "playing" with these large animals.

So, we made a decision to let them hang out at our neighbors home, which my dad takes care of during the winter because they only spend the summers here.

We walked out into the field.
They cattle kept their eyes on us the whole time, but they have calmed down considerably and let us get within about 10 feet of them before they stood up and seemed a little nervous.


I will tell you that I am the mother of 8.
I have changed diapers.
I have been the main cleaner of "sickness".

There is nothing quite so special as following behind some cattle while they all decide to pee.

But, Hey...
I'm just keeping it real!

We herded them over to the pond that is in this field and they all gladly had a drink.
I thought one of them was stuck, but he managed to get himself free.

I did NOT want to go in there and try to rescue him...
but that would have been an interesting blog.

As we stood there discussing the ins and outs of cattle...
we made a decision to get a couple of pigs and raise some bacon...


Three months ago, you couldn't have convinced me that this would be my life.
But I love it.
I love it!

I just miss my two oldest babies!!
You guys are too far away!

Grandpa has decided that Galen is a great young man.
Wow!  What have I said to convince of him of that?
I mean, I tease him all of the time!
Maybe the fact that he takes care of my wonderful daughter and loves her wholeheartedly has something to do with it...

Cheyenne is working hard in her new location.
She loves living out here.
She loves her new apartment and her friends.
I am very proud of her!

Okay, enough updates...

Next year, we will be eating one of those beautiful babies photographed above...
No, it won't be Mark!
Ha ha.

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